Muuy de aquí": Exploring Sonora's culture and folklore through art

Welcome to my tenth solo exhibition! I am excited to present "Muuy de aquí", a show that celebrates the culture and folklore of the state of Sonora. As a visual artist, my goal is to capture the richness and diversity of this region through my mixed media and exploratory style, where collage plays a fundamental role.

For me, composition is the foundation of my work and I always seek new ways to combine different elements, textures, and colors to create something unique and surprising. I am passionate about color and use it as a tool to attract viewers' attention and convey emotions.

In this exhibition, I have worked with phrases and expressions from Sonora's popular language, using humor as a pinch of pepper to give a fun touch to some of my works. I was inspired by conversation with friends and their way of speaking to create an authentic and close environment.

In my work, I find influences from artists such as Basquiat, Picasso, and the Bauhaus school, but I always seek to give it my own touch and make it as personal as possible. I hope that visitors to the exhibition can enjoy the works, discover the slang of this land, and experiment with their own senses. "Muuy de aquí" is presented at the Center for the Arts of the University of Sonora from April 20 to May 5, don't miss it!